Michelle Lyndon
“We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known.. and when we honour the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust, respect, kindness and affection”
Brene Brown
Hi I'm Mish and lovely to meet you.
If you are reading this, you were drawn to connect with me on some level, so welcome welcome welcome and I hope to be of service and help you in any way I can, to find what your soul is looking for, for what it has always been searching for and knowing it is all within you, waiting to be uncovered.
Since I was little, I have always been completely fascinated with life, I always knew no matter what I was being shown at school or in the community, there was so much more to experience, unfold, to see and explore. If I didn’t get an answer that I was satisfied with, I was called to go and explore, ask, seek, question, question, question more and more, until I was satisfied, I was being connected to 'my soul' truth. Unlike my peers at the time, I spent a lot of time exploring, questioning, reading, dancing, connecting with myself and others that were likeminded. I loved to go on adventures, to see new places, new faces, feel into my intuition, explore opportunities that synced with my knowing, my inner glowing, showing me all that I am from within.
Through my younger years I was led to believe that having the 'highest paid job' in the corporate world, having the best house on the street, having a family, the husband and the white picket fence was what society had deemed as my 'ultimate future'. Little did I know that life would have other ideas for me and how grateful I was that this happened! So far, I have a beautiful and expansive life and have been dealt my own share of self-doubts, lack of self-acceptance and lack of belief in myself because I was never the norm, I don’t have the kids, I don’t have the white picket fence and I certainly never was society’s idealisms of what a 'Women should be'.
Travelling around the world, studying, expanding my awareness of self; I have always had a curiosity of learning, exploring, enjoying experiences and connections. The more I experienced this, the more self-aware and intuitive I became, and I started to believe and accept myself as a Woman and my journey of wanting to explore this in greater depth and help other Women do the same was born.
When all was said and done, I knew I was the best person to give myself my own answers intuitively and how delicious and inviting would it be to help other Women do the same.
Along my journey I somehow lost my drive to use my intuition, a pressure arose within to be with 'a guy', to have a baby, even if it wasn’t the right time, have that white picket fence, working myself into the ground in that high paying corporate role, as that is what I was 'required' to do to be accepted. Years later as I started to recognise how deflated and distant, I felt from myself, I started to seek again and came across personal growth - this being a lifeline for me in the middle of my corporate life, I started to regain my sense of self and to think for myself again. Not before I left the toxic relationship, had the choice of kids removed from me, buying and losing a house within 3 years and being diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder.
How many more signs did I think my body needed to give me without literally shutting down.
This is when I started to listen, I mean really listen, to the core of my being, turning my life in the direction I desired, believing in myself more, trusting in myself and allowing myself to be guided by what felt fun and inviting for me.
This is when my journey back to self really began. Movement and life started to become my driver.
With my studies taking me on a journey of becoming a Personal Trainer, studying Nutrition, a Diploma in Holistic Health and Nutrition Coaching, Life Coaching and Intuitive Guidance and with over 15 years of my own personal journey of up-levelling, this has brought me to my realisation of knowing that when we don’t listen to our heart, our inner knowing, our intuition, we are always off track of what is great for us in our life. I’m not talking about shying away from responsibilities or skipping out on living life or not doing the work, I’m talking about really genuine heartfelt KNOWING within your being of creating the life you desire.
Witnessing Women’s eyes light up as they start to accept and love themselves again, the way they hold their body, the way they smile and giggle, the playfulness that comes and the freedom of being themselves, lifting a huge burden off their soul is fulfilling to my soul and purpose.
THIS is what I am called to do and feel really connected on a soul level to help Women go from self doubt to self acceptance. This is my soul’s calling.
I offer a blend of Intuitive Coaching, Emotional support with essential oils and a beautiful heartfelt modality called Aroma-Touch, which brings your sensations and body back into balance.
Let me take you on a journey of coming home.